Soo uncomfortable at 28 weeks


Hi ladies,

Besides being treated for high blood pressure in my second trimester, this pregnancy has been pretty much a breeze.....until now 😨

I am 28 + 5 weeks and out of know where I have been smaked with major discomfort, restless sleep, sudden frequent urination, aches and pains.

This time last week I was full of energy but since 4 nights ago I can hardly move.

Don't get me wrong, I am seeing the positive side of it all as it means my little pumpkin is growing but I am curious to hear your stories of what you experienced when you started your third trimester 😊

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I will be 28 weeks tomorrow and last week all the fatigue, backaches, feet hurt, can't sleep at night, just came out of nowhere. Hoping to get shake the fatigue off cause it's the summer and here in Texas the pool is your best friend lol


Posted at
Same. I had it easy until about 26 weeks. Then the body aches, heaviness, heartburn kicked in. Fatigue came on strong in the first trimester. I needed 9 hours of sleep minimum plus a nap. Second tri I was good with 7.5 hours and no nap. Now that I'm 29 weeks in right back to where I was in the first trimester with needing all that sleep, but it's harder to get with the big belly in the way.