Cloth diapers for working families


Alright ladies, I am super intrigued by cloth diapering systems. I would love to hear your suggestions about what you have found you like best.

Here's my personal situations if that helps anyone to alter suggestions: Husband works 40-50 hours per week, and post baby I intend on working about 20-30, so I will have a little more time to do laundry than a full time working momma. Our intended daycare is comfortable with cloth diapers, husband, not so keen. I plan on using cloth for any time that baby will be with either me at home or at daycare (which will be almost always). Thinking that I will probably wind up using disposables for days out, not so thrilled on carrying dirty diapers in public.

What are your favorite cloth systems? Why? Ease of cleaning? Absorbency? Fit? Simplicity? Andddd go!