What did you experience before you went into active labor?


Today I'm 38.5 weeks, I'm 50-60%effaced and 1cm dialated. I've lost 5 pounds (idk how) since Last week. Strong and also mild Braxton hicks, trouble sleeping, even though tired. Here and there sharp stabbing in vagina, and TMI I've been having trouble passing bowel movements until a couple days ago, I see I'm going alot more that usual but it is not diahrea, but not firm either. Now for the past hour I have this pressure I'd say in my perineum.

This is my third baby, although I've had 1 c section, and second was a vbac.

For ladies who can remember or just had their babies what did you feel the days then hours before you went into true labor with contractions?

Sure other moms who are anxiously awaiting their lo arrival would find this to be helpful to have a little ides of what to expect :) so thank you for the ladies who can help us out! !