Update kids sensing pregnancy

So, a week ago I posted about how I saw a post on here about kids sensing pregnancy, well I had visited my sisters kids that day and I retro spect things were odd.  So anyhoo today I visit them again, my sister takes me aside and says dude, the other day out of nowhere Aubrey said to me " mama your belly is small, not like aunty Shannon's cause her belly is big cause she has a baby in there " 😱 lol so then we go back near the kids and I asked Aubrey (my Neice 3)if she thinks there's anything in my belly, and she's like (so confident) ya there's a baby in there.. 😱 so then my sister goes well, if aunty is pregnant what do you want her to have, a boy or a girl? And Aubrey goes.... A boy! (Yay! Me too! ) but then 20 seconds later she goes, but there's a girl in your belly.. 😱 lol! I read about how kids sense pregnancy, also the other day my mother in law cooked my breakfast and my egg was a double yolk! (Means pregnancy: twins) google it! So like so many weird things have been happening! I really hope this month is our bfp! My boobs are so sore in 8dpo so I'm gonna wait it out to see if AF comes this month ! Fingers crossed! Also, comments welcome I just post this for my own records !!