July 12th - Cycle Buddies? - Intro


Any July 12th cycle buddies out there?

Right no I'm not working . My fiance and I have just moved back to my what is basically my hometown of Seattle Washington. He is working full-time and OT . I'm looking for part-time work. I enjoy reading, mental health and human rights activism, and time with those few close to me. And, of course, my children! Not all of whom live with me currently. This is TTC #5 and this is my 4th or 5th cycle TTC (not exactly sure where to start counting from). I just turned 36 last week and an otherwise healthy, - a couple of cigarettes a day. I'm not currently using opk or any medication or hormone therapy. I do not track my BBT. My fiance and I have sex everyday or every other day very naturally and without Force and therefore I am unsure on the necessity of tracking BBT and using opks.

In another month or two we will be seeking help from a fertility specialist.