Feeling sad :(

My husband and I are overjoyed and so excited for our little guy to get here with that being said my mom has decided they are taking a vacation 3 weeks after my due date. I'm the fourth child and we are having her and my dads fourth grandchild but it's our first baby so she thinks it's no big deal with me have being around babies all my life but I just want her to be around longer than a couple weeks or even a month if he comes early! I feel like first baby and early on is such a fragile time and I let her know I was upset and wished she wouldn't be leaving but her response was ill be fine and that her and my dad need a vacation, which I agree they need one, but I just wish it wasn't so close to after our baby is here! I feel so bad and I feel like I'm just being hormonal and irrational but I get upset whenever they bring up their vacation. I just wish I wouldn't be getting so upset but I guess I'm asking am i being totally unresanable?