Only a matter of time now😄

So I just had my last (hopefully) appt today before my due date which is Thurs (23rd) and I'm 1-2 cm and 80% effaced. Cervix is soft and ripe dr said😊 and baby is at -1 soooooo I'm starting to get really excited/terrified now more than ever!! Induction date is set for July 1st at 3am if he doesn't come before then but my dr thinks he'll come on his own and I hope he does cause I'm scared of being induced. Either way I'll be having my baby by July 1st!!! My dr has me all worried now about vomiting during labor as she told me it's really common😕 I dread throwing up like its a big phobia of mine. I'm just praying I don't. If I have to be induced, I'm just going to eat a very light dinner the night before and nothing after that. I can't wait to join the other ladies on here that have had their babies and posting those adorable pics!!! Oh and I found out my OB is 17 weeks pregnant with her 2nd set of boy/girl twins!! 2nd set like wow that's so awesome. I'm so happy for her😊 Anyway I hope all us June mommies have successful deliveries and healthy babies very soon!! Congrats to everyone!!💙❤️🍼👶🏻