I dunno.... Some what sad

It's been 8 months since I've been married and we've been having fun ever since ... We know a few couples who married before and after us, and almost every single one is pregnant or soon to expect their first child. Our family on both sides have been asking questions my grandmother stressing me out friends you name it they mentioned the P (pregnant) word every time they see me. Lately it's been weighing down on me because I haven't yet been able to pop the big news to everyone as of yet.. I know it's God's will to allow me to have one but I'm worried, worried to the point of me making doctor app just to make sure there's nothing wrong with me....🙈
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I tried to get pregnant forever with our first, both my sisters had recently had babies, a few of our friends. Babies were everywhere. Eventually I did get pregnant and we had our beautiful daughter who's now about to turn 7, but I often wish I didn't worry so much about what everyone else was doing and enjoyed the time I had with my husband. Having a baby changes everything. And while I wouldn't change it for the world and it was a welcome change we often talk about the days when it was just us.. I wish I let myself enjoy that chapter ore instead of worrying about the next one.. Anyway thought I'd share. P.s the comments will never stop. After your first baby it will be oh when's the second one coming.. If you happen to have two girls oh you gonna try for your boy?? If you have 3 girls.. Wow all girls huh?? Good luck with the teenage years. Poor dad. People are annoying. Don't let them bother you 


Doh • Jun 22, 2016
I agree with you and I say the same things want to enjoy my husband ... But it can get to you after awhile.... Your right in good time and yes someone will always have something to say .... Thank you appreciate your kind words


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Have a heart to heart with your family. Let them know God will bless you in his own time and they will be the first to know. Inform them their asking is causing you stress, which doctors have confirmed can prevent pregnancy from happening. Let them know it won't be some big secret when it happens and you and your husband are looking forward to the day you can announce your growing family. Good luck!