Help! What could this be? (pic warning!)

Hi ladies, I am on my 4th month TTC. Last month, I started spotting brown about a week before AF. I thought it was a good sign, but unfortunately, the spotting never ceased and AF should up in full force a week after the initial spot. 
Now at 6 DPO this month, I started having brown spotting and cramping, which I didn't really have last month. Again, I initially thought this could be implantation bleeding, but after almost 3 days, the spotting still hasn't stopped. It's not heavy at all, but when I occasionally check my CM with my finger, I see more brown/ dark red blood.  I put a tampon in this morning and it was just straight brown. Sorry for the nasty picture! 
Has anyone else ever experienced before? My doctor says not to worry since my periods are normal and ovulation tests show I am ovulating. But I am starting to worry as this doesn't seem normal to me! 
Thanks for reading - all feedback welcomed!