My miscarriage story...

June 17th we had our 12 week ultrasound. We found out that baby had stopped growing at 10 weeks 4 days. We went to our Doctor and decided a D&C was best. The earliest we could do it was the 21st. Over the weekend I started cramping and bleeding. When Tuesday came around I was still cramping and bleeding but thought we would make it till 12 when the D&C was scheduled. They got me into pre op and I started having contractions pretty regularly. They gave me pain medication and it helped a little. A little before 12 I went to the restroom and peed; as I pulled up the mesh panties they gave me I felt a ton of pressure then the baby slid out onto my pad. My husband ran and got the nurses and Doctor. We got me cleaned up and back into the bed. The doctor checked me out and wasn't sure if the placenta had passed. While we waited, we got to look at the baby. He/she was perfect. You could see the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arms and the little tiny fingers. We were able to take photos and spend time with the baby. I was still bleeding pretty heavily but the doctor wanted to watch it for now. We had an ultrasound to check the placenta. They thought it was in my vaginal canal. But I just kept bleeding and passing huge clots. The doctor decided I should have the D&C to be safe. When I got in the OR my placenta finally came out. I ended up spending the night due to blood loss. Thankfully I did not need a blood transfusion. My doctor, who I love and is so awesome! Decided to have me put in a regular room instead of the maternity ward. Which I am very thankful for. Nothing like adding salt to the wound. I am home now and barely bleeding and feel fine physically but broken into a million pieces inside. And while I had thought I needed the D&C to heal me. Being able to see the baby has helped me more than anything. I don't have to guess and wonder. I know.