3rd ectopic, 2nd surgery


In 2007 i wasnt trying to get pregnant but had my first ectopic which was aborted with methotrexate. In 2015 the baby was stuck in my left tube again. My old doctor put me through hell in 2015. Blood tests every other day then FINALLY an ultrasound where he said I had less than 72 hours until my tube burst.. He lied and said he removed the whole tube.. Well he didn't. In a very rare case, I ovulated from my right ovary and it came up and over towarss left Fallopian tube that was left somehow.. This baby ended up right on top of my left ovary. Causing me to have another emergency surgery last night. Just a little over a year after my last.

The mental abuse this causes is too real. I was 6 weeks and 5 days.. Supposed to hear a heartbeat not be rushed to surgery. I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy!!

The red "ball" is the baby and the white one under it is my ovary...

Thankfully no huge scars but the pain is horrible.