Bad Gyno Experience

Okay, so I'm 12w4d, but this was from when I was just under 6w. I went to a gyno for my first baby appt since I had a zillion positive pregnancy tests. Found this practice on my insurances find-a-doctor page, so hubby and I went.

We got there and had to check in and all that stuff, and we waited, and waited, and waited until it was an hour past appointment time. Hubby and I are getting aggrivated at this point because we both have to get to work soon and so far nothings been done.

Finally the nurse brings us back and does my blood pressure, weight, all that stuff. She starts doing a Q&A and asks if I have more than one partner. I tell her I only have my husband. Then she asks if I'm wanting to abort this pregnancy, but she like really stresses this question. I of course tell her no, we were tryinf. Abortion is the LAST thing I want to do. We finish with that and she takes us to the exam room...and we wait.

30 min later the dr finally shows up. I should add this is a husband - wife practice, we saw the husband. He doesn't introduce himself, handshake, nothing. Just walks in and goes to the other side of the room. He's asking me a bunch of questions then starts telling me his "pregnancy fun facts"

1. 60% of pregnancies miscarry in the first trimester, and since I'm overweight that's not going to help.

2. When it comes time for delivery, he'll have to do it since I'm overweight and just naturally a big lady (6'2" and lowest weight where I can still be healthy is 180). Apparently because of my size his wife won't be able to deliver because she's only 100 lbs and it'll be difficult to deliver my supposed giant baby. (Didn't know I was giving birth to Andre The Giant, but okay)

3. When it comes time to deliver, it'll probably be c-section because bigger women can't deliver vaginally most of the time.

4. Most women gain weight during pregnancy, but I should try to stay the same, maybe even lose weight, just not alot.

5. No restrictions. I can lift whatever I want, eat all the deli meat and drink all the coffee I want, you know...the stuff you're supposed to avoid.

So after all this he left and that was that. I didn't get to ask any questions because he was talking over me the whole time. Did you see where I mentioned the physical exam anywhere? Me either. That part didn't happen. Sorry, but if I'm here to make sure my pregnancy is okay, shouldn't there be some kinda physical exam? Maybe I'm from the old country where doctors do their job, but that's just what I expected.

During the appt, he kept pushing for me to get a prescription for zofran. I kept saying no and he's just "well, I'll give it to you anyways." He also said he wanted me to go in for an ultrasound at 6 weeks to check the age of the baby. (His opinion was that I'm 8 weeks, although I know the day I got pregnant and my LMP. Everything showed 6 weeks). I should add he never sent the Zofran prescription and when I was asked who my primary was, he said "oh, you don't want him as a primary. He only deals with old sick people." My husband and his whole family have been seeing this guy for years, so bite my fat white lady butt.

So we go to the ultrasound a few days later. I'm checking in and reading over the order when I notice the reason they have listed is "threatened abortion". No clue if this is here for insurance reasons, but maybe that's something you explain to your patient before they see it and freak out.

After the ultrasound that showed a perfectly healthy little baby, we decided to change doctors because of all that up there ^^^. We went to the doctors office to get a copy of my records, and apparently they charge $25 for that because it's "federal law". Federal law my butt, but whatever gets me and Jellybean somewhere safe. I pay and we leave with records in hand.

While walking to the elevator I'm reading over them and they have listed that I currently have more than one sexual partner. Now, call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure I said only my husband because, you know, I've only been with my husband since we met. Everyone else sucks compared to him so there's DEFINATELY nobody else.

I show him the records and he takes them and starts storming back to the office to have them change it. We get back and tell them it's wrong and to change it. They say they can't change the records now, but when I come in for my next appointment they'll do it then. You know what, I think I'll just deal with it and explain the situation to a competent doctor. Thanks but no thanks.

So to end this novel of a story (if you made it this far, good job!) We switched to a doctor that knows what they're doing and Jellybean is doing great. Told our primary about all this and he filed a complaint on this guy with the hospital and is trying to get his practice pulled. Just please, for the love of Christmas, make sure you check the reviews on a new doctor before you go. Just because he has an opening that week may not be a good thing. Stay safe mommas! 😊