My baby boy! 💙

My handsome baby boy Jaxen was born June 3rd,2016. 8lbs 7.8oz, 20 1/4 inches! 💙The day before my due date I was 2 1/2cm dilated and 80% effaced, I could literally go into labor at any point! I had my first contractions on my due date at 5 pm. This was my second pregnancy so I waited it out at my house  because my contractions weren't bad yet  and my fiancé was at work until 11pm. My contractions drastically increased between 10:30 and 12pm. I called my midwife at 12:15 and she told me to go to the hospital and get checked by the nurses. Two mins into the drive to the hospital my water broke and my contractions felt very intense. When I got to the hospital at 12:45 I was 6cm dilated within 15 mins I was 7cm. So I wasn't able to get an epidural and had my son with no meds. After admitting me I took a shower for about 15 mins and I dilated up to the 10 cm. When I was back to my bed I was ready to push and 8 mins at 2:05 am I got to meet my beautiful boy! Â