Go back to your wife and baby!!!!!😳

UPDATE: thank you for your comments I'm cutting off all communication. I Appreciate the feedback! xo
My ex left his wife after I spoke on the phone with him regarding job advice a few days ago! (He wanted my hep getting hired). We caught up too, we hadn't spoken in years. It was a nice conversation.
Backstory: he was my first love, dated for 6 years and we broke up by choice bc we were stupid and romantic and thought we'd get back together when we were ready to settle down.  We will always care about each other but we both met other people. He got married, popped out a kid. 
He called me today saying he left her!!!! Wtf!!!!
All I could say is no no no no no please go back to your wife, please try therapy! 
I know he wants another chance of being with me, and maybe I would have been interested before he got married!!!!!!
I care and I want to help him but ahhhhh this is very messy and I have enough going on as it is! And he has baggage now and needs my help landing a better job, not exactly what I'm looking for in a man. 
. Is there anyway I can give him some support in finding a better job while also not letting this drama in my life? I want to help him without it being at my own expense or having this escalate into a Jerry springer brawl. Advice???????!!!