Tough decision

Im in a big crazy mess right now. I have a 6 month old im on bedrest and to make matters worse my relationship is falling appart. I am happy for my kids thats not the problem the question is do i leave him? i am wanting a divorce so badly just becuz I know its going to be years of just fights and staying together out of fear but I dont want that. I know he understands that its over bettween us but we just try to take it one day at a time we fight like daily and im just so tired and ready to get out of this relationship. When do you know that your relationship should end? hes a good man he doesnt abuse me or anything we just never see eye to eye every decision is a majot compromise for one of us and every day is another fight about something or another. Its been 3 years do you think I can clearly say its over? 😔

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