Anemic advice?

Angel • Lil Sebastian born 9/18/16. I've never been so in love.
So I nearly fainted today in Target, so I called L&D and they sent me to the ER. 
Turns out I'm anemic (which isn't the worst thing that can happen) but I'm a high risk so I'm already being watched for preterm, but who else is anemic and how did you deal with it? 
Since being pregnant I've had severe aversions to meat and dairy/: I eat tons of eggs and fruits though and it's been so hot here all I drink is ice water anymore, so I'm not dehydrated at all, even though they said I'm still not getting enough water///: What else should I eat/do to help with my anemia?
 I'm a little nervous and shaken up since they had to hook me up to all those wires in the ER. Any advice will help!