This Sucks

I love my husband and I just want to be with him but it has been very hard lately. He is currently on tour overseas and his job keeps him very busy. Recently he's been busier than usual because he's started working out 3 times a day. We usually FaceTime when he's waking up and I'm getting ready to go to sleep and then again when he gets off of work and I'm on my lunch break but lately we haven't been FaceTimeing very often and when we do he's usually playing video games while I'm trying to talk to him. I'm really self conscious that this is all happening because of something else and not just because he's busy. He tells me that it's not but he also tells me about this girl that he has been training to take over his job once he leaves. I've looked her up on Facebook and I'm actually really jealous of here. I'm 8 months pregnant so of course she looks better than me and he says that all of the guys in his company, except him, are trying to get with her. I know he's not the type of guy that would cheat but we're just so far away from each other right now and it worries me. We've had skype sex a couple of times since he's been gone but we haven't done it in a while. This is partly because the pregnancy makes it uncomfortable for me and partly because I am staying with my parents while he's gone and people in the house can hear everything I'm saying when I'm in my room and my mom comes barging in all the time without even knocking. I'm kind of feeling how I did when he was in basic. We were just dating at the time and a few weeks before he was supposed to graduate I just started to miss him so much. I was lonely and decided to download an app called whisper and with it I made quit a few friends, most of them where guys. I never met any of them in person and we never spoke in a sexual way, they all knew that I was in a relationship, but they did tell me I was beautiful and offered to buy me things to which I declined. My husband knows about all of this and I have since deleted the app but right now I kind of feel like downloading it again even though I know that as a married woman I shouldn't. I would never in a million years cheat on my husband, physically or emotionally. I know this is bad and I'm not really going to start using the app again but I just want him to pay attention to me because I really love him and miss him. Please don't judge me.