Stressed Rant

Today hasn't been a great day. Got a letter in the mail saying that I was dropped from my husband's insurance cause they could not verify me as a dependent. Keep in mind that I have been under that insurance for almost 2 years prior to this. We got a letter a few weeks ago saying that my son and I needed to be re verified. We thought we had already finalized all the paper work months ago when they sent the same letter. Aggravated, we call, they tell us what needs to be done before the deadline. We turned in all the paperwork. Well that was two weeks ago. The deadline was June 17. And if my son and I were not verified, then we would be dropped by June 30th. Also, they had our son in there under STEP CHILD! Like what the hell. I was required to send in his birth certificate, and it VERY CLEARY has his dad's name signed. So how they screwed that up, I don't know. Well they approved my son. But did not approve me. Why?? I have no freaking clue. It's two weeks passed the deadline and I don't think there is anything we can do about it! They JUST NOW informed us that I wasn't verified rather than saying it before the deadline. So in just a few days, I will have no insurance whatsoever! And guess what. My next appointment is July 5th! It's my gender scan, as well as a scan of he brain and the rest of the body to make sure he or she is growing properly. Well. I guess I'll be missing that appointment cause I don't have almost a grand to cover the testing and ultrasounds; which my insurance would have covered. So what the heck am I supposed to do? I am going to try to apply for pregnancy Medicaid, but I am almost positive that I will get denied cause my husband has a good job and our taxes say we makes good money, but we all know that we never see half that money cause of bills and taxes. I applied for WIC today and I am also sure they will deny me for the same reason. So we are out of luck. Idk what else to do cause I can absolutely NOT afford the medical cost to go to all of my appointments. I live in Mississippi and I don't know of any other programs that I could turn to. I don't think there are many down here. I'm so stressed out and just want to cry.