So excited!

Nikki • Aubri Lynn 03/27/2012 💜 Cayden Jace 03/03/2013 💙 Angel Baby 01/30/2016 💔 Rainbow Baby 12/12/2016 🌈 I have an amazing fiance who I plan to marry 10/28/2017 Couldn't be happier with life 💞💖
Went to the doctors today to find out the results of our panorama blood test and found out we are having a baby girl!!!! My hubby has four boys (3 from his previous marriage and we have one together) and I have a girl from a previous relationship but he is so excited! We are both getting fixed after this baby so it will be our last and we are very excited to finally add another little girl to the mix. Cannot wait to meet our little Olivia Belle. Also found out I am a week more than we thought I was so 16 instead of 15! So excited.