Insomnia & insatiable hunger

I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow & I have had the worst insomnia the last few nights. I can sleep for a few hours, but after that I am WIDE awake. I can't fall asleep to save my life. Of course this comes in the middle of the night, so after like 3-4 hours I can fall asleep again. Problem with that is, there's not enough time between then and my alarm for work 😭 I feel like I can barely function at work today. I actually feel dizzy because I'm so whooped. 
Another thing is this insatiable hunger! I have barely been hungry this entire pregnancy and now I am hungry ALL the time. Last night I made a "skinny Alfredo" sauce with wheat shells, asparagus and sautéed mushrooms.. Ate a whole bowl & got up a half hour later for. Bowl of sheedded wheat With blueberries. . Today, I've already had another bowl of cereal for breakfast, a parfait with granola and blueberries and leftovers for lunch! It's only 1PM. 
Anybody else suffering with me?! Lol. Totally worth it, but jeez Louise I'm sleepy and hungry.