Not glowing!

I'm tired of just looking hideous! I have freckles on my face and my skin is light. I don't know why, but when I am pregnant I get waaay more freckles and dark spots on my face. And I also turn darker. I don't care about the weight gain, I can lose that easily. It has affected me to where I don't even want to do my hair or make up anymore because I feel like it doesn't help. I also feel like babe does not find me attractive, just to find out that he thought I wasn't attracted to him anymore so I explain to him how I feel and he says that even if I gained hundreds of pounds and let go of everything he would still love me. Of course he would just want me to be healthy and would help me achieve that he claims. Kind of makes me feel better, because he loves the true me. The inside me. Not the outside. He also tells me looks only last so long and we will both be old and wrinkly one day so who cares. Well I'm 35 weeks today so I will look like me again soon.