Genital Warts! WTF?!😔

So recently found 2 bumps down there, went to my OB today and they're pretty sure it's genital warts as we do know that I have at least on strain of HPV due to an abnormal pap in the winter. She said they see it a lot in pregnant patients as our immune systems are down, allowing the HPV virus to activate. She applied TCA to them and will repeat in a week (unless they are completely gone by then-fingers crossed). One week after that if they both aren't gone she said she'll snip them off to prevent them from growing or spreading because there's no point in just letting them go if we can get rid of them. She said it won't harm me or my baby and I guess it doesn't require a c section at birth either (thankfully) but I am still so upset :( Like I said I already have high risk HPV, now I have the low risk HPV too?! And not to mention I contracted HSV 1 Oral as a kid (cold sores) as a lot of people do but still! It's like ugh! Now I have 3 of these things to worry about?! She said my boyfriend probably definitely has it also so that's that (he couldn't care less, doesn't bother him). But am I just going to get warts forever now?! And have to go in and have them burnt off for the rest of my life?? Any experience w/ this pregnant or not pregnant??Â