Sometimes I hate people...

Kaity • Charlotte Ann•You will be our greatest adventure ❤️ 9.27.16
I work in healthcare as an imaging tech and generally I like my job. But it's getting harder the farther along I get. I work MRI mostly and I'm 7 months, and a fairly petite girl, 120 before pregnancy, about 140 now, 5'3"... Please tell me it isn't unreasonable that I've stopped lifting and pulling 200 lb plus people off the table? People ask me to help them and I tell them they can't pull on me or I can't pull them up, they can just use me to balance themselves and they look at me like I'm the devil! A lot of people have even said rude comments to me! I really don't feel like it's that insane of me to not want these larger people yanking on me.. But some of them really make me feel like I'm just being lazy... I have terrible sacroilitis and an unstable right SI joint that I have to have put back in place every week too, one wrong move and it pops back out, and it hurts!! Originally hurt it doing exactly that, helping someone off a table. Ugh...