UPDATE Question about ovulation...

Cassandra • Married the love of my life 13 years ago on October 23rd! We have three perfect Chihuahua furchildren, Lizzi,Rebel, & Kylo!!!

Okay ladies! I have a question about ovulation. I, honestly, don't know if or when I will ovulate, as I have never done so without closed. But I have recently lost weight & my period has gotten somewhat regular. It has gone from 65-70 days to 35 my last cycle. I have been charting my bbt & I've averaged about 97.2 but this morning it was 96.2. Now, I know a lot of women don't get the "ovulation dip", I'm wondering if this is a good sign? Right now, at 8:30 pm, I am having lower mid-right cramps, which I'm hoping is ovulation. I've used opks in the past but only got one positive & that was on clomid. Just wondering if anyone has had this or not.

Today my temp was 96.76. Is that enough to be a "spike"? Of course I'll keep charting to see if it raises or whatnot, just curious.