Harley Jaylynn Is Here what a amazing experience I was due 7/12 she decided she wanted to come Monda...

Danielle • 💕🎀Harley Jaylynn 👶🏽💕 Add me Sc (Pink_Russian) & Ig (Pink_Russian1 )
Harley Jaylynn Is Here what a amazing experience I was due 7/12 she decided she wanted to come Monday 6/27 @ 5:12pm 5lb3oz!!!! I was currently 37wk 5days !! I walked into my Ob feeling funny a lot of pressure she checked me I was 6cm that was at 3pm by time I got checked into my room it was almost 4pm they did give me a epidural buttttttttt I never had a chance to feel it because she was ready so 2 pushes and here she is ☺️🎀💕!!!!!! 
So here she is Ladies ☺️☺️☺️ !!! Congrats to all and God Bless You Moms To Be !!!! SHE IS NOT ON HER BELLY LADIES 😬 it's the way the pic is ok