Not bonding with baby after C section

Caëlle • Jeremiah Alexander Fox 6-28-16👶💕

Im not bonding with my 2 days old healthy baby boy yet 😳😳😒 Breastfeeding so far is not working😳. A c section wasnt even part of the plan but since i was having heavy contractions Monday early in the morning went to the ER around 9 pm and when I got there I was only 2cm dilated, so they gave me an epidural and IV, and finally my water broke at 3cm, the baby heartbeat dropped, I started bleeding so the doctor said they had to get him out ASAP.

He's now healthy, he was born yesterday morning (tues june 28th at 9:33Am) 8pounds 3oz 20inches baby boy 💙. I wasn't allowed to see him until around 12pm and can't even hold him 😭😭😭thats why I feel so detached to him I wonder if it will go away?