Sharing is caring... feel like chatting, so here's a bit about me.


It makes me laugh when I see my baby is 'the size of a pineapple and 1.9kg/4.1lb this week'. In reality she's already 3kg/6.6lb @ 33w. But I've only put on 5-5.5kgs/11-12lbs (so far...)!

My last baby 13 years ago, was born 4.28kgs/9.4lbs, 9 days overdue and I had put on 25kgs/55lbs!! It was a faily easy, timely, natural birth with a quick recovery and no trauma (besides him fracturing his left clavicle due to shoulder dystocia) & I would happily do it all again exactly the same.

But my midwives and my GP have booked me an apt with hospital's OBGYN tomorrow afternoon to 'discuss my options' as I'm now considered 'high risk' (I'm 37 and thought I was already considered 'high risk'). I know the OBGYN will try to convince me to schedule a c-section and considering my hubby will be Stateside (I'm in Australia) the 9 days before I'm due it isn't a silly suggestion but I'm just not willing to go there. Crazy? Stubborn? Selfish?

I feel (& think I look) fantastic. I am very energetic and very busy with 2 jobs (full time special ed teacher, and after school tutor) plus my hubby and I own and run a new restaurant, my 13 yr old is currently pushing boundaries and mucking up at school & my 14yr old step daughter has come to visit us during her Summer break (she lives in the US with her Mom) for 2 months. Life is hectic and slightly stressful, but GREAT! :) :) Besides a little acid reflux these days and morning sickness in the beginning, I've had a very easy pregnancy. One lucky Mama here!

Anyway. . . Just lying in bed browsing <a href="">Nurture</a> and felt like sharing. No burning question or cranky rant.

Have a GREAT day/night everyone!

Kirsty :)