Just trying to help. Warning!!!! Long post


Hey ladies.... i have been part of this group for 6 months and i completely understand what each one of you is going through.... cant forget the lack of energy during the fertile days when we eagerly try, the anxiety that we had to go through while taking a test and trauma after seeing single line and then being frustrated.... i promised myself that i will share what worked for me when il hit the 2nd trimester so here I am.... well after ttc for 6 consecutive months i gave up on idea that my body is capable of being a mother and that i can never tell my husband that v are pregnant HAVE FAITH IN ME THIS IS JUST BULLSHIT all of us here have been created in a manner that we can hold a baby grow them feel them and tolerate immense pain and still be happy. So i am listing below what i did

1. Tracked my bbt for 3 consecutive months at same time each day before actually waking up (at the third month) i finally knew that i was ovulating on CD14

2. Took my multivitamins (pregnacare when ttc - my GP recommended them and wanted to complete a course of 3 months)

3. The month i conceived my DH had no idea when i was fertile, i told him that i want an off from ttc because my body is exhausted, but only i knew we had sex on my fertile days

4. I checked my CM very closely, and i came to know that i was wet only between 4 to 7 and after that i was completely dry, so i tried that v DTD during this time unfortunately due to my OHs work schedule it was not always possible so i used preseed just 2 grams

5. I tried to be positive there is a video on youtube by tara style i can share the link if any one asks for it which i believe opened up my uterus and that video was so amazing that it used to relax me completely

6. We DTD the day i was off my periods and then every alternate day till 2 days after my ovulation.....

My 1st trimester was very painful had bleeding on and off so i would say not just pray for a BFP but pray for a healthy and comforting pregnancy. I would request everyone of u to plz pray for me as well and also for everyone in the world who is ttc. Just create posotivity and be positive and talk to ur partners they dont share but they are going through the same and the best support at the time for u and ur partner is u guys each other. Lord please bless everyone with a healthy baby you are the creator and we seek your help. AMEN