Has this ever happened to you??? Help please

Hi so a little background about me before I jump into it..My husband have been trying to conceive now for about 2years, he is 31 and I am 29years old.I am 5ft8 and a bit overweight 215 pounds.all of my life so far I've had regular periods around 5-7 days and almost painless..in the last year I have being having very painful periods serious cramps,very bloody,lots of clots. I went to my gynecologist back in March and she did labs and examined me and said I was healthy.last week Tuesday June 21st I was at work and I noticed I was wet and I went to bathroom and saw that i was bleeding; I only saw blood when I wiped. I called my gynecologist and she told me to come in and when i got there she examined me and she said she didnt find anything wrong and that maybe I was ovulating and she told me to go home and have sex.I had my period from June 7th to 14th.by the way that week and this week I have being very constipated but I have also being fasting.on Monday June 28th I noticed was bleeding, when I went to bathroom my underwear was soaked wet with blood and had tiny cloats. I called my gynecologist and she was out of office so I spoke to nurse. Nurse said maybe I might be pregnant and miscarrying and told me to take a pregnancy test and call back the next day to talk to my doctor. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I called my doctor and she said she believes I'm just having irregular bleeding and that it's nothing to worry about or maybe I'm having an early period. The thing is I have never had irregular bleeding and my. Periods have always being on time and are painful with big clots. I told her I don't think it's by period because the bleeding stopped the same day that evening and when i wiped there were tiny specks of brown discharge.I asked my doctor if I should get labs and she said there was no need and that she wants my husband to get a sperm analysis and then after that she can send me to fertility Clinic.by the way on Monday I was also having a sharp pain on my hip feeling almost like I dislocated something.and on tuesday I was having serious back pain. Has anyone experienced anything like what I described above if so what was? Please any feedback is welcome...