Baby daddy problems

Diana • Mother of 4 boys and we're TTC in 2021

Ok so I have two boys from a previous relationship

Things never worked out cause would cheat on me and abuse me

So I moved from my hometown to get away from him, I'm three hours away

I moved on and have a child and one on the way with a man I've been with for four years now

And baby daddy is with someone and started a family as well, they have a Lil girl and a Lil boy

He didn't want me to name our first boy after him , idk why so I didn't

And didn't name his second son after him cause it's supposed to for the first born son

While my third son is named after the man I'm with cause it's his first born son

Well baby daddy named his third son after him and I feel like that mess up

Like did he forget he already has a first born son or did he do cause she said or cause I named my third boy after his dad

Like wtf

Has anyone been though this?

Need advice please