Would you go swimming alone?

So it's 110 today where I live and in 37 weeks pregnant so that just adds to my exhaustion of heat. I just moved to a new home with a pool, and I'm home alone everyday while my husband is at work. Do you think it would be safe to swim alone? Both my mom and my husband told me I shouldn't because of leg cramps or maybe the start of contractions? But I just want to go for a dip 😩 should I or is it too unsafe? Is it ever safe to go swimming alone pregnant or not? 
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Stay in the shalloowwwsssss


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Yes it is safe. I would just try to stay in the shallow end that way if you get tired or anything happens you can get out easily.


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Should be fine just don't go too deep and stay kinda close to the stairs or the sides so if you need to stop or get out you'll be able to. If you have any friends that aren't busy you could call them and see if they wanna come over lol. I can't swim alone because I have an irrational fear of sharks lol 🙈


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I do, I'm a really strong swimmer. So a leg cramp or anything like that wouldn't affect me much or my ability to swim. But there's always a risk. You could slip and fall, something could happen


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I can tell you right now that contractions are not like they are in the movies. I promise you will not be minding your own business in the pool one minute and the next you're drowning because you can't handle the pain in your abdomen. Thats just not how it works. The contractions will begin very small, very tiny, you'll just barely notice them. Then they'll gradually start getting stronger and stronger until you're in active labor.You will be totally fine in the pool, go swim!


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I would just stay in the shallow part. If I had a pool I'd be in that sucker every day!!!


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I'm in the same boat, we have a lovely outdoor pool at my apartment complex and I'd love to go swimming everyday but so far I've only gotten to go twice because of how much my SO works and I don't feel safe going alone.


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Maybe foll up the bathtub with water and chill there. Same feel of being in water but safer when your by yourself


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It depends in your swimming level. If you're a great swimmer and have had a healthy pregnancy, you'd be fine. If you tire easily and are just a so so swimmer, go ahead, but stay in the shallow end. Maybe text your SO or mom and let them know you're going in and if they want, they can text or call you in a bit to check on you.