I'm over being pregnant, but husband won't touch me!

I'm on baby#2. I'm 37+4 but I'm over it. My son was born at 38+5 so i feel like things should be coming to an end soon..he was 8lbs 1oz. This one is measuring a week ahead as well. My labor started last time after my husband and i had sex and i fell asleep, leaving his swimmers to soften my cervix..and bam! Labor started a few hours later. SO..I know that shit works..and so does he. He's been really busy at work and refuses to touch me cuz he wants to get as much done as possible before our baby is born. I get it. BUT like i said..I'm over it! Grrr...just venting. I think if I'm still pregnant next week i might have to use my whale body to pin him down and do the deed. Lol