Rude mother!!!(vent)

Kaution • 💜AMEA 07/11; Liam J 03/31 💙
So is it just my mother? But my father mother and I were talking. She said I needed to learn how to cook like her. My dad agreed and said "or you won't marry ole country dude (my boyfriends nickname)". My mother then proceeds to say "oh she doesn't want to get married she's going to be one of those chicks who have 20 kids with someone and never get married"....😑😑😑😑😡😡😡😡😡 I then said "well what does that say about the values you've instilled in me if that were the case?"
Like that's what she thinks of me? I have a degree, a career, raising one child because I divorced my first husband, and I don't ask anyone for anything. So htf does she come off saying something like that??? And to judge someone who's not married but has children. When I'm definitely 27 and she and my step dad have only been married 17 years....