One final try...๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Hey ladies hope you're all doing well.. Just felt abit low, a little discouraged, feel like giving up on times but determined to try for another cycle. Been ttc for 5 years now, miscarriage and chemical pregnancies, many failed clomid cycles and <a href="">iui</a>. I've had to fund privately so as you may be able to imagine the expense of it all has been extremely high, not only that it's kind of taken over my life, my character, personality, psychologically and emotionally. Kind of let myself go, day in day out thinking of getting pregnant having hope Monthafter month. A few months ago, I decided to stop everything as I was becoming so obsessed, no tracking no opks, no pregnancy tests not even using glow to see when af will arrive just completely blocked it all out if my life and didn't care. A close family member had just come back from abroad and had a 'special delivery' for me, it's come from a very reliable and known source, a very pious and well know leader who has been dealing with infertility in both men and women for years. Inside this parcel is hand made herbal supplements for me and my hubby to take along with strict guidelines how to use, most of it is powder form that we need to take on certain days, this is know to bring in a period, balance all hormone levels out and hopefully enable me to conceive. I haven't stared the supplements yet but have spoken to a few people who know of people that have used this many many years ago, is an ancient recipe and did indeed get pregnant. Just as I was giving up this came unexpectedly, maybe it's a sign I'm nervous to use as I can't deal with anymore failures but am willing to give it a try. Will let u ladies know how I get onย