"Your contractions are weird"

This is what the OB told me yesterday. I had to go to L&D for decreased fetal movement, so I was on the monitor for an hour. Squeaker is fine, but my contractions are wonky. No dilation, so he wasn't concerned, but said I could technically go into labor at any time at this point. Which isn't really saying anything since any of us could go into labor at any point, haha!
The contractions were irregular with timing -30 to 60 seconds- and strength - anywhere from 40 to over 100 on the scale thingy. 
I'm a little annoyed that I gained 7lbs in just 6 days (!!!!!!) but I'm still less than 20lbs, which is the goal set for me at the beginning. I'm ready to reach full term so this girl can come out!