Anyone else

Let me start off by saying I do have 2 other kids and prego with 3rd but my oldest is 12 n other is 9 both r c section babies due to breach so I have no clue what it felt like to have head down so now I'm 32 weeks and baby is head down and I'm miserable don't sleep and severe back pain and bh all the time a few days ago I woke up to clear liquid down my leg but stopped a few mins later and then pink n a few blood marks after I went pee that evening now my belly is hard as a rock and I can't sit long or walk very far I have told my dr about a few issues n all I get is its normal with a head down baby I have my 3rd c section scheduled for August 18 but seriously I don't feel like I can make it much longer anyone else have any issues like this I know a lot r normal but as I said before I'm not use to a lot of these problems cause it's been a long time and both kids were breech