Wish I could get a new doctor !!

I am 38 Weeks and 2 days my due date is July 12th Ive been going to my OB 3 weeks every week and every week he tells me that I have 4 weeks left!! Today I went again and as I just said I am 38 weeks and he tells me I still have 4 weeks to go!!! He doesn't check me to see if I am dialated or anything! I have been calling different Doctors for different opinions but no one wants to take me in anymore due to the fact that I am close to my due date. And I have not had not one symptom that I am going into labor. Which frightens me because theres cases where women do not get the pains at all! And he wont induce me and wants to wait until I go into labor myself but I have read there is also cases where a womens water does not break! And I really dont want to go past 40 weeks ! Any suggestions on what I should do??