Afraid my man doesn't crave me...

Background : I've been with my guy for about 6 months now, we met during our second semester of college this winter! We started out as just a little fling, I would spend the night at his place every night (no sexual anything, didn't even cuddle or kiss). We were / are best friends...and we've slowly grown into a goofy, happy couple. It took a while for me to get him to open up, he was cheated on after three years with his ex. But the last week of school we said our goodbye (I live three hours away from where I go to college), I thought that would be the end of whatever we had. But it wasn't! Lucky me!!
Here and now: he's been making the drive to spend the weekend with me every couple weeks. The first weekend he came was the first time we kissed, it was sweet and gentle. Then we cuddled to sleep. Same for the second visit. The third weekend he came we had sex, but it was kinda like we were testing the waters, no foreplay and we just got right too it kinda...which isn't normal for me, I'm 21 and have had many intimate experiences with men. But I didn't think anything of it because it was our first time. the fourth weekend he came I noticed he really barely kisses on me, and part of me feels like he doesn't crave he doesn't crave to touch my body or kiss it or make love it me. Part of me feels like he thinks sex is just a job or something. I'm a very affectionate person, affection and touch is my love language. I loved to be kissed on and touched, I love to try new things in sex and I just feel like he wants nothing to do with my body. 
He claims he likes being with me physically but he doesn't show it...