Pyloric Stenosis

I'm writing this so if anyone else has the same experience as me doesn't wait to get help.
Around 2 weeks old, my son starting "spitting up" about once a day. I put spitting up in quotations because it wasn't really spitting up, it was vomiting. He was throwing up what seemed like his entire bottle and I didn't realize it wasn't normal.
All of my siblings and I had to be on soy formula because we're lactose intolerant, so I just figured he had the same issue and I switched his formula. That didn't do anything. I tried to describe what my son was going through to family members, friends, and my doctor and everyone said it was normal, even when I said it was projectile vomiting and a lot.
So it kept getting worse. By the end up his 2nd week, he was puking multiple times at each meal and he would still be hungry after! He would cry all the time, eat, puke, cry more, eat, and the cycle would go on and on. I was changing my clothes a few times a day, doing load after load of clothes and burp cloths. I stopped even dressing him because it would be covered in puke within minutes. I would get anxiety at each feeding because I knew it would come back up and I hated seeing him like that. In the beginning he would puke and act like nothing happened, but as time went on it would shoot out his mouth and nose and you could tell it hurt. You could literally fill a bowl with what he was puking.
As a first time mom, I didn't know what was normal. It seemed not right to me but everyone kept assuring me that he was doing what every baby does. He didn't look sick and he wasn't losing weight so I just thought I was overacting every time I cried while I fed him and watched him vomit.
During this time I wasn't getting much sleep so my dad and stepmom offered to babysit him while I took a nap. I warned them beforehand that he had been puking a lot that day. So about and hour after he had been there my dad called me and said I needed to take him to the hospital because he didn't realize how much he was puking and he was going to be dehydrated.
Honestly, I was relieved that someone else saw what was going on and took me seriously.
We took him in and I described what was happening, they did an ultrasound and told me he might have pyloric stenosis but probably not, because he wasn't "failing to thrive". Well turns out he had it.
Pyloric stenosis is where the muscle that empties the food from your stomach into your small intestine gets so thick that food can't get through anymore so it comes right back out your mouth. It's gets increasingly worse until your baby can eventually starve. The only way it can be cured is through surgery.
I went in Monday and and he didn't get to eat until today (Wednesday) 6 hours after his surgery. It really sucked to sit in a hospital room with your son and not be able to feed him, but he finally got to eat a few hours ago and he's doing great, not throwing up.
If your gut tells you something isn't right with your baby, go with it. Don't let people tell you it's normal when your instincts tell you it isn't. If my dad hadn't have seen it for himself, I might have not taken my son in and it would have been way worse just because I ignored what my motherly instincts were telling me.
I'm so happy I went to the hospital and got my son taken care of. He's a happy baby again and he can eat!