
Oh golly gosh!

I'm 27 weeks (tomorrow) pregnant and im at the stage where I just want to give up.. I absolutely love the whole idea of pregnancy and having a baby, but my boyfriend is just bringing me down so much emotionally lately.

He cracked it over the fact i had a snapchat for another fello, take in mind my boyfriend is more then welcome to open it and see i dont reply to any of it. But nope accusations flew high there. 👌 all because I put my phone on my side of the bed last night, he spat it.. take in mind my boyfriend would prefer to sleep all day then get up early so he'd have turned my alarm off (i study).

To top it, every day at 11/12 i take him to his mums and pick him up about 6 only to take him back about 9/10 that night. Driving is getting tiring and I have no idea why he cant just walk! Yes it's winter, but if your that damn determined to go out EVERY day then fucken rug up and damn walk! Cause damned if I'll be taking my son out every day just to take him places. I dont go out, unless it's payday otherwise I have to message him who im with and what im doing and if i dont reply quick enough world War 4 starts, but.its okay for him to go hours without replying?

My baby shower is Sunday and I don't even feel keen for it anymore... we have a 3d ultrasound tonight and im not even keen for that... just being in the car watching everything I say because it's bound to be wrong just gets me so down.

It's only been the last 2 weeks if that, that this has occured and i dont understand why):