Preseed every BD and.... Nothing???

WTF... Last cycle we BD often and used preseed every time. Nothing! I'm reading everybody saying they used it and got pregnant the first cycle. Am I not using it right or using enough ?? What gives! Anybody else not having success with it ???
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I used preseed for the first time in May and swore it would work... Unfortunately it didn't... In June I used both preseed and soft cups and BFP!!! Use the softcups! Not sure if it worked but it couldn't hurt! Good luck!


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Is your cycle only 21 days? How are you determining when you ovulate? Your LP (the time between ovulation and period) is almost always going to be 12-16 days long, so if your cycle is 21 days your fertile window might be earlier than you think. 


Alisha • Jul 5, 2016
I used an ovulation test