Fingers crossed

Vanessa. • I`m Cool AF Like A Penguin ina tanktop 😎🐧speak my mind no harm intended. Engaged w/2 kids . Oh and I love pretty girls

So I'm 3 days until AF and things kinda look good . I had a lot of cramping yesterday along with nausea( I threw up everything I ate) and very tired I'm hoping that is was implantion. I'm getting my hopes up and I'm trying not to ... SO havent been TTC but we havent been trying not to either .... just recently we decide to that right now would be a good time to have our third and complete the family so it won't be a huge gap in our kids age. I'm very anxious

I want to test SO BAD but I tested two weeks ago ( didn't know I was way to early ) and got a BFN I hated the feeling. So I'm tryna give AF these three day to show face i. Praying she doesn't ...
