Somethings gotta change!

Hey ya'll! 
I've been on the pill since I was 16, due to absolutely horrible periods; missing school, seeing stars, doubled over in pain, throwing up on the regular type stuff. After ruling out endometriosis, my obgyn decided that going pack to pack would be best for me, after trial and error to find one that worked for me without a plethora of side effects, I was happily on my way and pretty much period-free.. 
Well, here we are 8 years later and woah baby, have things changed! Due to an unfortunate interaction with a particularly awful (new) obgyn, my prescription ran out without my knowledge (those autoshipments are so great) and I was forced to find a new vagina Doctor! This did take me some time, as I wanted to be sure I wasn't putting myself into the hands of a dingbat again, and the office I selected wasn't able to get me in for several months. My body adjusted to NOT being on the pill in those months, and when I got right back on the same prescription if been on previously, all hell has broken loose in my body. 
Now I know your body changes as you grow and develop, but now I'm not really sure what method of birth control should be the one for me! All I do is throw up, cramp, and have had bubble guts since starting back on the pill. This has been daily, for 3 months now. I'm over it. I know that the estrogen is just toooo high for my body now, and that's likely the cause of these terrible side effects, but is it worth it to trial and error a new pill? Do I have to worry about pregnancy during the time my body is adjusting to the new hormonal makeup?** Should I be considering something like nexplanon or nuvaring or the patch instead? (No depo, I'm horrible with shots, I couldn't do that multiple times a year) 
I know everything is always different for every individual, I'm just looking for some suggestions, support or someone who has had a similar experience! 
** My boyfriend and I are sexually active, and neither of us are interested in slowing that down. He and I have talked marriage and children, but that's at LEAST a year-2 out. 
Thanks in advance, my miserable self would love some feedback.