Am I wrong?

Natalie • Servant of Jesus... Wifey to an amazing hubby... Mother of the 2 best boys in the world with 1 more on the way. He's due to arrive July 11th but only God knows.🙏💏💙💙💙
So I'm 38+3 weeks pregnant with baby boy #3. Keep in mind my other boys are 7 and 5. Ok so here's the thing. Lately my hubby has been volunteering my help to watch our niece without even asking me first. He waits until the last min to bring it up to me and I can't say no by that point cuz then I feel bad. He then reminds me that his sis is a single mom and she has nobody else to watch our niece. I understand what it's like to be a single mom firsthand. I had to do it on my own for a few years with my first 2 boys after my ex and I got divorced. Anyways... So I watched my niece today and it was so exhausting for me. Not that she's difficult to watch but the fact that I'm about to give birth in a matter of days... I don't get any sleep these days So I try to rest during the day when I can... Plus when my boys and her are together she tends to be very loud with them. It just really drains me even more. After my sis in-law picked her up she texted me saying "my bro said I can drop natalia off tomorrow". It pissed me off that he volunteered my help once again without even asking me. I felt horrible but I had to tell her no considering I already had other plans and also had no clue about it at all! She then texts me and said sorry for bothering you... Like I'm the bad guy. I explained to her that it's her brothers fault for never saying anything to me and automatically volunteering my help. I don't mind watching my niece at all but now I feel like the bad guy. This really does bother me though. I almost feel like I have to watch her cuz my sis in-law volunteered to watch our boys when I go into labor. Am I wrong for feeling this way?