I had lost my wedding ring and was devastated

Sarah • Married. 25. Mother of 👧🏻👶🏻👼 👼🐶
So about 4 months ago, I had lost my wedding ring. I felt absolutely TERRIBLE. I have been looking for it since I noticed it missing with no luck. I had been wearing a simple band that hubby had gotten me while we were dating. Yesterday, hubby had told me he got something for me. 
A new ring!! 
I was filled with mixed emotions because as much as I missed having a ring, I didn't think we could afford it (especially with a baby on the way!) 
He said he got it off etsy for less than $200!!
I am constantly falling more in love with that man every day💜💜
EDIT: I was happy wearing the band and didn't ask for the ring, this post is me being appreciative of my husband, not bragging.