Baby's head is down but tilted?

Katie • 24yrs old / Ohio / hairstylist / Samson Joseph due July 20th
Hey ladies, I went to the doctors today and she said that the baby is head down but his head is also tilted down. She said the ideal of course is that the baby's head is aligned with the cervix/vagina however, mine baby's head is descending down kind of "off". She said I could do a certain type of "exercise" where I am on my hands and knees and "shake my butt" to help move the baby better in position. Anyone else have this issue? She mentioned that I don't have to do it because he may just fix his position on his own but that's what they normally do during labor if the baby is still in that position. I don't know how long I'm suppose to stay in his position... Or how often I'm suppose to do it.... Anyone else???