I need to stop stressing... (rant)


I know this is probably in the wrong group but whatever I need to vent.

But how can I stop stressing? Seriously... Im so worried I'm going to have another miscarriage. I had a miscarriage April 14,2016. I'm now 6w1d. I can't sleep, I stress over every cramp and ache, I stress over the thought of losing another little one. (ps-i had stillborn mono mono twins at 25w1d in 2008) I can't handle another loss. I'm not strong enough. I have 2 beautiful living children but I can't handle having a 4th angel baby. I can't. I pray everyday for God to let me keep this one. I know there's no solution to this fear... I know there's no magic pill or remedy to assure a healthy pregnancy. I know it is all in God's hands and he has a plan... But sometimes I lose a little faith. And then I get worried that I'm gonna cause a miscarriage because of stress! Ugh... I'm just so scared. I'm too scared to get excited. Every time I notice I'm getting excited, I pull back. I don't want to allow myself to get attached.

Who am I kidding though, I'm already attached. I fell in love with a little pink line and a digital screen that read "pregnant".

End rant I guess.

Praying for everyone to have a happy and healthy 9 months. ✌️❤️😘