My Babies! (the 4th baby's gender is being revealed).

George Lucas • 🧔🏻 daddy of four kids: 👩🏻👩🏻👧🏻👶🏻 - Yuri Zilya “Lily” - Starlet Lavina “Star” - Lucy Rose “Lulu” - Lucas Beau “Lukey” 🐶🐶🐶 - Dexter Atticus “Dex” - Sushi Marie “Sus” - Brody Graham “Bro”
Girl #1: Her name is Yuri Zilya, but I call her Lily. She has hazel eyes with a brunette hair. Olive-tanned skin and she is currently 8 years old. She was born on August 12th (Leo). *Mixed with Korean, Hawaiian, Ukrainian, Brazilian, British, Japanese, German, Greek, and Irish.
Girl #2: Her name is Starlet Lavina, but I call her Star. She has brown eyes with a brunette hair. Olive-tanned and she is currently 5 years old. She was born on August 13th (Leo). *Mixed with Korean, Hawaiian, Ukrainian, Brazilian, British, Japanese, German, Greek, and Irish.
Girl #3: Her name is Bella Rose, but I call her Bellarose. She has brown eyes with a red hair. White, fair skin and she is currently 3 years old. She was born on September 22nd (Virgo). *Mixed with Irish, Italian, and French.
*I just found out that baby mama and I are going to have another baby girl! It would be so nice to have a baby boy. Four girls!! But I am happy to have one more girl. The baby girl is due on November 17th (Scorpio). I am so excited to see what she will looks like when she is here! :) *Mixed with Korean, Hawaiian, Irish, French, Brazilian, British, Japanese, German, and Greek.