Not wanting sex after having a baby

So I'm almost 3 months pp and I just haven't wanted to have sex or really any physical contact with my husband. We have had sex maybe 5-8 times since having our baby and that's me trying to do it for him. There's only been once or twice that I actually wanted. My husband was okay with it at first and now he is just getting frustrated about it. Like I just don't like the whole making out, having sex, or anything like that. I'm fine with cuddling or doing small kisses but other than that it's a no. I just don't know what's going on. I just want things to go back to normal. I just don't know what to tell my husband about this. My past relationships I always had sex. With my husband I always did til I got pregnant then I stopped. What could I do to help with this and fix it. I just don't know what to do anymore. He keeps fighting with me about it.