I feel horrible.

I kinda of feel like a bad mom. I got soooo behind on chores around the house because my baby boy hates being away from me. He's 3 weeks old and doesn't like to be in his swing or bassinet or anything. So today I put him in his swing and faced him towards the TV and he's absolutely silent and is watching the colors on the TV. I don't know what else to do, I needed to get the dishes and laundry done! Is it bad if I do this every once in awhile when I get backed up? It's not going 5o happen every day but maybe once on the weekends so I can play catch up
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I know a lot of moms that did/do that and the babies turned out just fine. Don't be so hard on yourself momma ;) 


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My son is 6 months old and I put him in his bouncy seat infront of the tv and he's good for an hour !!! Only if I need to get things done or something ! No worries ! Your just doing what you need to do to get stuff done 😊


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Nothing wrong with that. My son was woken up by the fireworks last night and wouldn't go to sleep and wasn't hungry, but he stayed quiet watching my husband play video games. From time to time he will also look at the tv during the day while it is just the two of us at home. My husband pointed out that right now, it is fine if he just watches the colors (since he is too little to actually watch tv) because it is different than using it as a crutch, "Here, sit here and watch tv all day because I don't want to deal with you." (His words, but I agree.)Honestly, if it helps you get things done and he isn't needing something, go for it occasionally.


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I do the same thing! It keeps my daughter busy but it's also stimulating for them! I turn on this Sing Song Block show, on Hulu, and she tries to talk back lol she's only 12weeks :p 


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Don't feel bad. Do what works best for you and baby. If a little screen time is what keeps you from going insane or helps get things done then by all means do it! Don't beat yourself up mama! 


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Sometimes I hafta let him cry for 5-10 minutes so I can run around and get everything done super quick. Switch laundry. Shower. Pee. Poop. Make some food quickly. Sucks but he hates being set down and I hate baby carrying cuz I do things to where hedget his head hit alla time. Do what works for you